Participant Eligibility Requirements

  • The applicant family's Annual Income as defined (HUD Secretary's definition) must not exceed income Limits established by the Department of Housing and Urban Development for Public Housing in the County of this PHA's jurisdiction.
  • The applicant's family must have a satisfactory record of meeting past financial obligations, especially in the payment of rent.
  • The applicant's family must have NO record of
    • disturbance of neighbors
    • history of criminal activity
    • destruction of property
    • unsafe living habits
    • alcohol abuse
    • substance abuse
    • sexual deviation, includes a family member who is subject to a lifetime registration requirement under a state sex offender registration program
    • The applicant's family must have a form of citizenship for all residents accompanied
    • The applicant's family must have properly completed all application requirements, including verifications.
    • unsanitary housekeeping practices
      • The creation of a fire hazard through acts such as the hoarding of rags and papers
      • Severe damage to premises and equipment, if it is established that the family is responsible for the condition
      • Seriously affecting neighbors by causing infestation, foul odors, depositing garbage improperly; or serious neglect of the premises.
    • any other history which may be reasonably expected to adversely affect: the health, safety, or welfare of other residents; the peaceful enjoyment of the neighborhood by other residents; and/or the physical environment and fiscal stability of the neighborhood.

Misrepresentation of income, family composition or any other information affecting eligibility, rent, unit size, neighborhood assignment, etc., will result in the family being declared ineligible. In the event the misrepresentation is discovered after admission, the family may be subsequently evicted, even if the family meets the current eligibility criteria at that time.

Applicants will have thirty (30) days to provide all necessary information as requested to document their application for eligibility. Failure to provide this information at the end of this period will result in the withdrawal of their application by the THA.

Grace for past bad behavior

In the event of the receipt of unfavorable information with respect to an applicant, consideration shall be given to the time, nature, and extent of the applicant's conduct or to factors that might indicate a reasonable probability of favorable future conduct or financial prospects. For example:

  • Evidence of rehabilitation
  • Evidence of the applicant's family's participation or willingness to participate in social services or other appropriate counseling service programs and the availability of such programs
  • Evidence of the applicant family's willingness to attempt to increase family income and the availability of training or employment programs in the Locality

Denied Admission for extended time frames

Denied admission for one (1) year for the following:

  • Past rental record
  • Bad rent-paying habits
  • Damages
  • Disturbances
  • Live-ins
  • Bad housekeeping habits, in and outside the unit

Denied admission for three (3) years for the following:

  • Persons evicted from public housing, Indian Housing, Section 8, or Section 23 programs because of drug-related criminal activity are ineligible for admission to public housing for a three-year period beginning on the date of such eviction.
    • The THA can waive this requirement if: the person demonstrates to the THA's satisfaction successful completion of a rehabilitation program approved by the THA, or the circumstances leading to the eviction no longer exist.
  • Demonstrates hostile behavior during the interview process that indicates that the applicant may be a threat to our residents.

Denied admission for five (5) years for the following:

  • Fraud (giving false information on the application is considered fraud).
  • An arrest or conviction record that indicates that the applicant may be a threat and/or negative influence on other residents. The five years shall begin on the date of the last reported act, completion of sentence, and/or probation period.
  • Drug use without evidence of rehabilitation.

Denied admission for ten (10) years for the following:

  • A conviction for Drug Trafficking

Denied admission for life for the following:

  • Any household that includes any individual who is subject to a lifetime registration requirement under a state sex offender registration program
  • Any person convicted for the manufacture or production of methamphetamine (commonly referred to as "speed") on the premises of any federally assisted housing program

Information relative to the acceptance or rejection of an applicant shall be documented in accordance with section C3.0 and placed in the applicant's file. Such documentation may include reports of interviews, Letters, or written summaries of telephone conversations with reliable sources. At a minimum, such reports shall indicate the date, the source of information, including the name and title of the individual contacted, and a summary of the information received.

Apply for Housing